Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ottawa wedding magazine, Issue 2

Here is a link to the second issue. Not as good as the first and frankly very little really good OTTAWA info. It is starting to seem just like all the other Ottawa rags, chock full of ads and very little cool new stuff. The articles are as fluffy as Wedding Bells with little by way of local features.

On top of all that, what about showing the ethnic mix of Ottawa. The two main features were white as milktoast and frankly, pretty boring.

Oh well. Here I was hoping for some good stuff to get my teeth into. Frankly, most of the best wedding info is right here online on blogs and forums and to tell the truth you can get a lot more
of a feel for most service providers on their Facebook pages.


  1. Why not be informed when writing about a magazine? It would help if you read it before slandering the editorial content with flippant remarks.
    You were poorly informed about the change at Weddingbells so get your facts straight there too.
    Knowledge is credibility.

  2. Well, it looks like the mag owner or editor reads this blog.
    Slander by the way is a legal term and one`s opinion does not fall into that definition. Perhaps if you had ever worked at a real magazine you would know that.
    The latest issue doesn`t have a single person of color in their editorial. Like all Coyle publications, ads outweigh editorial by a huge margin and most of the "editorial" is conveniently linked to ads. Real reviews on food
    or services, don`t count on it folks. This is an ad rag plain an simple.

    Oh..and being wrong about the changes at Wedding Bells. The mag was founded by Edna Hall right here in Ottawa and was bought out by St Joseph Media, Yes a Megacorp. Their ad rate is exactly
    as I stated it and available online.

    Funny how the writer said little when I praised the first issue isn`t it.
