Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Money saving ideas for your Ottawa Wedding.

Here are some thoughts on saving money without going really cheap. Its a rough, tough ride, but
hold on, because here we go.

Cut the guest list. Whats more important to you, that fourth cousin you have not see in five
years or that dress you`ve eyed for months. Choices have to be made and some are regretted.
Whose wedding is it anyway?

Hold your wedding at a fantastic location that already has a lot of ambience. For example: gardens, museums, zoos. You save significantly on floral and décor because the space decorates itself.

Choose an off night or get married in the off-season. Any day other than Saturday can be negotiated for lower costs. Same thing goes for months like January and February when venues have less demand.

Book the photographer for only the key shots and you`ll get a better photographer as a bonus.
Let your snap happy relatives capture the reception, oh and avoid those throw away cameras on each table////everyone has a cell phone camera these days.

Bring your own alcohol. Google away, there are lots of venues in Ottawa that are happy to provide this service.

Make your own invitations. Hey, that fiance of yours says he`s great on the computer, so test his skills.

A designer gown for half the price. Go ahead, just Google the designers name, your city and the word USED. You might be amazed.

Trim hard liquor from that open bar. Wine is just fine.

Renting two limos? You can hire a double decker bus for the price of one and its more fun.

Take the flower arrangements from the ceremony to the reception, this might halve your flower budget.

The wedding industry loves to sell you knickknacks. Having mementos of your special day is a good thing, but you don't need very many. Put together a wedding album, and perhaps preserve your wedding dress. . Do you really need a personalized pen to sign the guest book?

Choose a videographer OR a photographer, not both.


  1. Do you have any suggestions for an Ottawa venue that allows bring your own alcohol?

    This is something that's really important to me and my googling is coming up short!!

  2. Check on the halls that cater to smaller Italian weddings like Tudor Hall. What you really have to ask yourself is whether you want to sacrifice the look of your reception for this feature. None of the major halls will do what you are asking since this is how they make their money.
    A tent wedding, would of course solve your problem.
    If you have a big enough wedding, you may be able to negotiate this easier on the Quebec side since it is often done at such places as ski hills.
